GCSE Additional Science Edexcel Workbook - Higher (A*-G Course)

GCSE Additional Science Edexcel Workbook - Higher (A*-G Course)

Paperback (17 Oct 2011)

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Publisher's Synopsis

This book is packed with practice questions on all the topics in the current Higher Level Edexcel GCSE Additional Science exams. The questions cover all the Biology, Chemistry and Physics topics you'll need to help you improve your grades. The answers come in a separate book (9781847627674). Matching study notes and explanations are also available in the CGP Revision Guide (9781847627681).

Book information

ISBN: 9781847627698
Publisher: Coordination Group Publications Ltd (CGP)
Imprint: Coordination Group Publications
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 136
Weight: 326g
Height: 297mm
Width: 210mm
Spine width: 7mm