The Great Rabbit Rescue

The Great Rabbit Rescue

Paperback (02 Sep 2010)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Joe has gone to live with his dad, leaving behind his beloved pet rabbit. Anna and Suzanne try to look after it for him, but when the rabbit becomes ill, they're convinced it's because it's missing Joe. Now Joe is sick too. The girls are certain that Joe and the rabbit will die unless they are reunited soon… But can Anna and Tom and Suzanne pull off The Great Rabbit Rescue in time?

Book information

ISBN: 9781847385963
Publisher: Simon & Schuster UK
Imprint: Simon & Schuster Children's
Pub date:
DEWEY: 823.92
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 219
Weight: 180g
Height: 178mm
Width: 126mm
Spine width: 178mm