
Paperback (19 Mar 2007)

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Publisher's Synopsis

An elusive Japanese girl leads a teenage boy into a world of passion and conflict; in Andalusia, a man talks to his painter friend about longing and belonging; a translator finds himself drawn into the personal and political turmoil of the poet he translates; a woman's quiet world is eroded by the onset of war and the movement for independence and nationhood. In his fourth collection, Aamer Hussein charts the geographies of leave-taking and homecoming, the consolations and rivalries of friendship, the yearnings of adolescence, and maturity's tentative acceptance of longing. Moving from Karachi to England, through India, Java, Italy and Spain, these exquisite stories engage with the grand narratives of our time.

About the Publisher

Telegram Books

Launched in 2005, Telegram is committed to publishing the best in new and classic international writing, from debut novelists to established literary heavyweights. Telegram has published literary fiction from thirteen languages, ranging from Korean, Chinese, Arabic and Farsi to French, Croatian, Hungarian and Icelandic. The first Telegram title to be published - All My Friends are Superheroes by Andrew Kaufmann - quickly became a word-of-mouth phenomenon and is now an international bestseller.

Book information

ISBN: 9781846590245
Publisher: Saqi Books
Imprint: Telegram Books
Pub date:
DEWEY: 823.914
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 133
Weight: 138g
Height: 201mm
Width: 133mm
Spine width: 11mm