Publisher's Synopsis
Television is a growth industry with an insatiable hunger for writing talent. Soaps, series dramas, plays, situation comedies - television constantly needs new writers. This inspiring book is full of professional tips and techniques that producers, agents and script editors would give you themselves - if only they had the time. Complete with vital information on how to sell your writing - and how much you can earn. Packed with tips for writing and selling. Lists essential contacts and phone numbers.
Contents: List of Illustrations; The opportunities; 1. The basics; 2. Story & theme; 3. Style; 4. Structure; 5. Plotting; 6. Visual Interest; 7. Dialogue; 8. Characterisation; 9. Situation Comedy; 10. Presentation; 11. From Script to Screen; 12. The difficult Markets; 13. Programmes Looking for Writers; 14. Soap Operas; 15. Other Markets for Scripts; 16. Common Queries; 17. TV Talk; 18. Organisations That Will Help You; 19. Where to Send your Script; Further reading; Index.