Publisher's Synopsis
Bongani's day begins just like it does for most children: he washes, brushes his teeth and has breakfast; later at school he learns all about the letter C and makes a clown face from a paper plate. But when Bongani gets home in the evening, he puts on his kwaito music videos and dances the kwasa kwasa to the lively sounds and rhythms of South Africa...
Gisèle Wulfsohn's photographic journal is a delightful introduction to life in modern Johannesburg - very much in the news in 2010 due to South Africa hosting the World Cup. Young readers everywhere will be encouraged to learn all about South Africa as they compare and contrast Bongani's day with their own.
Part of the popular and successful Child's Day series that introduces young readers to the lives of children in different countries - allowing them to see ways in which their own lives are different, as well as highlighting similarities around the world.