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I'd Like to Believe, But...

I'd Like to Believe, But...

1st edition

Paperback (17 Jul 2009)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Based on real questions from real people in the real world. I would recommend this book to anyone investigating what Christianity is all about, and, as ever from Michael Green, it's brilliant stuff!' Andy Hawthorne, Director of The Message Trust 'Religious people are too intolerant.' 'You can't trust what is in the Bible.' 'Science has disproved Christianity.' 'There's too much suffering in the world.' 'Something 2,000 years ago can't be relevant to me today.' Michael Green has responded to each of these statements in a direct and informal way, giving his Christian perspective on the opinions expressed. His easy style engages readers and shows how the Bible and Christian beliefs can provide a real faith for life. This book may even help you believe in spite of your buts...

Book information

ISBN: 9781844743902
Publisher: IVP
Imprint: IVP
Pub date:
Edition: 1st edition
Language: English
Number of pages: 208
Weight: 176g
Height: 216mm
Width: 141mm
Spine width: 10mm