Publisher's Synopsis
In this touching account John Cowell brings his African experience to life, revealing what it was like for the young working class lads, now today's pensioners, who were sent to far away and exotic places when they were called up to serve their country. These young men, whose life experiences and horizons often stretched no further than their local town, were suddenly exposed to conflicts and poverty they didn't even know existed. John's remarkable memory for detail, and vivid descriptions, bring that near forgotten era back to life in a compelling and fascinating autobiography. Working in field hospitals, or going out on patrol alongside twenty -three troops and a local native tracker to combat terrorism, became everyday practice for John. He got up to many antics over the years and found himself in a number of dicey situations, but he came through it all with a smile on his face. Elephant Grass is a tale of camaraderie and friendship. A story, told with wit, humour and compassion, that beautifully depicts the great heights that the human spirit can rise to, especially in the face of adversity.