2000AD - 03 - Strontium Dog - Down to Earth

2000AD - 03 - Strontium Dog - Down to Earth

eBook (01 Jan 2014)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Times are tough for the Search/Destroy agents. With criminals in short supply, the bounty hunters compete for the left-overs. Johnny and his partner Wulf Sternhammer are down on their luck, and looking for trouble. Sick Squid doesn't follow the bounty hunters' code. He looks after number one, even if it means ratting on a friend. When a private citizen posts a huge reward for the capture of Wulf Sternhammer, Squid turns kidnapper. Johnny must find Squid before the trail goes cold. If he wants to save Wulf, he's going to have to break the law. He must risk his freedom... face his past... go back down to Earth!

Book information

ISBN: 9781844357864
Publisher: Big Finish Productions
Imprint: Big Finish Productions
Pub date:
Language: English
Weight: -1g