Publisher's Synopsis
Level: 11+Subject: Non-Verbal ReasoningSuitable for the 2020 testsCovering all required Non-Verbal Reasoning Key Stage 2 curriculum content, this book offers clear assessment testing and includes advice from teachers on how best to use the tests in order to move up to the next level.Non-verbal reasoning assesses a child's ability to see patterns and relationships, independent of language or prior learning. This Non-Verbal Reasoning Assessment book encourages pupils to practise and build the logical reasoning skills that underpin learning in a range of subjects and are commonly assessed in entrance exams.• Builds 11+ skills• Helps children age 10-11 who may have specific difficulties with literacy or for whom English is an additional language• Provides a clear indication of a child's ability to identify and work successfully with abstract concepts• Includes a progress grid that helps children track their own progress• Includes a pull-out answer booklet.