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Research Methods in Human Resource Management

Research Methods in Human Resource Management

3rd edition

Paperback (24 Apr 2013)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Fully mapped to the CIPD Level 7 Advanced module on Investigating a Business Issue from an HR Perspective, Research Methods in Human Resource Management is a key resource for anyone undertaking a research report. It covers the planning and execution of HRM research projects, from investigating and researching HR issues to designing and implementing research and then evaluating and reviewing the results.

Filled with international examples to provide a global perspective, this fully updated 3rd edition of Research Methods in Human Resource Management balances theoretical frameworks and practical guidance. It includes increased attention to methodology issues, more real-life examples and a discussion of ethics in line with current research and practice. 'Review and Reflect' sections at the end of each chapter help apply learning to personal experience and professional development, and multiple-choice questions and a glossary of terms help students understand the key concepts. Online supporting resources include an instructor's manual, lecture slides and annotated web links.

Book information

ISBN: 9781843983088
Publisher: Kogan Page
Imprint: KoganPage
Pub date:
Edition: 3rd edition
DEWEY: 658.30072
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 456
Weight: 876g
Height: 244mm
Width: 188mm
Spine width: 22mm