Once Upon an Ordinary School Day

Once Upon an Ordinary School Day

Paperback (04 Aug 2005)

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Publisher's Synopsis

It was an ordinary morning when the ordinary boy woke up, and it was an ordinary journey to school - but then Mr Gee bounced into the classroom and everything changed. Mr Gee plays rousing music which thunders around the classroom, and asks what it makes them think of. The dull grey world has been transformed into one of colour and excitement. 'Write a story about it!' laughs Mr Gee. And the ordinary boy began to write: the words just tumbled out of him pell-mell. And the places he went to, and the things he saw were extraordinary!

About the Publisher

Andersen Press

Andersen Press, founded in 1976, publishes some of the most well known and best loved names in the world of children's books. These include David McKee, the creator of Elmer the patchwork elephant Tony Ross, who has given us the Little Princess Ruth Brown, whose books include classics such as A Dark Dark Tale and The Big Sneeze Michael Foreman, creator of Jack's Fantastic Voyage and One World Max Velthuijs whose Frog series has sold in 25 languages and Colin McNaughton, whose Preston Pig series are among Andersen's bestselling titles worldwide.

Book information

ISBN: 9781842704691
Publisher: Andersen Press Ltd
Imprint: Andersen Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 823.914
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 32
Weight: 192g
Height: 252mm
Width: 219mm
Spine width: 5mm