Publisher's Synopsis
Pocket Essentials is a dynamic series of books that are concise, lively, and easy to read. Packed with facts as well as expert opinions, each book has all the key information you need to know about such popular topics as film, television, cult fiction, history, and more. This book is a guide to the London novel, starting with its origins in the Victorian metropolis and moving through to the present day and the revival of London writing. It includes an examination of the occult tradition, London noir, the disaster novel, and the rise of psychogeography, and features both recognized classics and the work of lost London writers. From Bleak House to Hawksmoor, from Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde to White Chappell, Scarlet Tracings, London has continued to generate a series of fantastic visions, and Merlin Coverley traces their genesis and influence in this volume.