Modelling the T-34/76 & T-34/85

Modelling the T-34/76 & T-34/85 - Osprey Modelling Manuals

Paperback (27 Jun 2001)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The T-34/76 was a major step forward in tank design and its appearance on the battlefield during the German invasion of Russia shocked the Germans into developing new AFVs such as the Panzer V Panther. Produced in huge numbers, its later variant the T-34/85 would see extended postwar service with Communist-supplied countries around the world - such as the Arab countries, the North Korea, North Vietnam and China. With detailed step-by-step model photography, specially commissioned walkround photography, scale drawings and wartime shots, these books will provide all the details needed to model the main T-34 version - the Model 1943 - and its variants. There is a full roundup of the models available on the market, details of where you can see the real thing, a select bibliography, and survey of websites of interest.

About the Publisher

Osprey Publishing

Osprey Publishing has been providing books for enthusiasts since 1968 and since then it has grown, evolved and taken on new challenges until it stands today as one of the most successful examples of niche publishing around.

Book information

ISBN: 9781841762098
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
Imprint: Osprey Publishing
Pub date:
DEWEY: 745.59282
DEWEY edition: 21
Language: English
Number of pages: 64
Weight: 226g
Height: 248mm
Width: 177mm
Spine width: 6mm