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Speed of Dark

Speed of Dark

Paperback (07 Nov 2002)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Lou is different to 'normal' people. He interacts with the world in a way they do not understand. He might not see the things they see, however, but he also sees many things they do not. Lou is autistic.
One of his skills is an ability to find patterns in data: extraordinary, complex, beautiful patterns that not even the most powerful computers can comprehend. The company he works for has made considerable sums of money from Lou's work. But now they want Lou to change - to become 'normal' like themselves. And he must face the greatest challenge of his life. To understand the speed of dark.

SPEED OF DARK is a powerful near-future thriller, the theme of which is both universal and intensely personal. It is dedicated to the author's own autistic son, and to other parents of autistic children, 'in the hope that they also find that delight in difference'.

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About the Publisher


Orbit is the place to go for outstanding Science Fiction and Fantasy. With a fantastic range of international bestsellers, including Jim Butcher, Trudi Canavan and Brent Weeks, and exciting new talent such as Ann Leckie, James S. A. Corey M. R. Carey and Claire North, Orbit is one of the most dynamic and successful imprints in the field. With a dedicated team sharing a passion for speculative fiction, Orbit is committed to broadening the audience for SF and Fantasy. Science Fiction and Fantasy is becoming increasingly popular within mainstream readership and Orbit is at the forefront of the action, staff in hand.

Book information

ISBN: 9781841491417
Publisher: Little, Brown
Imprint: Orbit
Pub date:
DEWEY: 813.54
DEWEY edition: 21
Language: English
Number of pages: 424
Weight: 258g
Height: 178mm
Width: 109mm
Spine width: 27mm