
Motivation - ExpressExec.

eBook (11 Feb 2002)

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Paperback (10 Jan 2002) RRP $13.77 $12.47

Publisher's Synopsis

Fast track route to motivating individuals and teams

Covers the key areas of motivation, from the development of academic theories and celebrated workplace experiments to the contemporary dilemmas caused by restructuring and job insecurity

Examples and lessons from some of the world's most successful businesses, including LVMH and BP, and ideas from the smartest thinkers, including Abraham Maslow, Douglas McGregor, W Edwards Deming, Lynda Gratton, Fons Trompenaars and Meredith Belbin

Includes a glossary of key concepts and a comprehensive resources guide

Book information

ISBN: 9781841122779
Publisher: Wiley
Imprint: Capstone
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 116
Weight: -1g
Height: 174mm
Width: 125mm
Spine width: 10mm