Publisher's Synopsis
"The Learning Paradox is a rich, in depth exploration of the major issues facing today′s organizations. But it′s more than that – it′s filled with stories and examples that evoke curiosity, laughter, and true learning. Long after I put the book down, I found myself thinking about many of the lessons Jim Harris describes so well." Margaret J. Wheatley, Author Leadership and the New Science
"The Learning Paradox deals with the challenges of incessant change and helps make sense of the confusion, emerging trends and technologies. With profound insight, the book presents practical, proven strategies, tools, tips and techniques for individuals and organizations to thrive in today′s fast changing business environment. I highly recommend you read the book – it had the same impact on me that Alvin Toffler′s Future Shock did in 1971." Larry Wilson, Author, Play to Win, founder of Wilson Learning & Pecos River, coauthor The One Minute Sales Person and Stop Selling Start Performing
"Syncrude is the largest oil sands operation in the world. In a technically advanced and continually evolving business such as ours, it′s vitally important for our people to constantly learn, change and adapt to uncertainty. In The Learning paradox, Jim Harris′ message is clear, concise and powerful." Eric P. Newell, Chairman and CEO, Syncrude
"Harris offers a strikingly insightful and coherent organizational learning strategy for businesses in this rapidly changing world." Hunter & Amory Lovins, coauthors Natural Capitalism, Founders Rocky Mountain Institute
"Jim Harris has written a credible, well–reasoned book on the modern learning environment. In particular, I found his treatment of the impact of the Web on business/new economy thinking to be very insightful." Dr. Bill Richardson, Vice President and General Manager, Sun Educational Services, Sun Microsystems
"If I were told that my people and I could read only one business book during the next year I would, in a heartbeat, choose Jim Harris′ The Learning Paradox. It communicates so very clearly not only the key issues we face, but the solutions we need for survival. This book is priceless." Lou Pritchett, retired Vice–President, Sales, Proctor and Gamble.