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Pip and Posy: Come On, Let's Play!

Pip and Posy: Come On, Let's Play! - Pip and Posy TV Tie-In

Paperback (02 Jun 2022)

  • $8.13
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Publisher's Synopsis

A new Pip and Posy sticker activity book to delight and entertain fans of the successful animated TV show.

This brand-new TV tie-in sticker book accompanies the exciting Pip and Posy animation series that is currently showing on television.

The book is full of fun-filled activities that will delight fans of Pip and Posy, with dot-to-dot, colouring, search and find sticker scenes and much more to keep little hands and minds occupied.

About the Publisher

Nosy Crow

We know it's subjective, but Nosy Crow wants to be proud of everything that we publish and make. We want to be sure that it meets the need of a reader (or emerging reader), and meets that need as well as it possibly can. That means great illustration, great design, great audio, great video, great animation and really great writing. We go out of our way to find these things from new and established talents.

Book information

ISBN: 9781839946622
Publisher: Nosy Crow Ltd
Imprint: Nosy Crow
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 24
Weight: 222g
Height: 221mm
Width: 301mm
Spine width: 8mm