Rock 'N' Roll Rabbits

Rock 'N' Roll Rabbits - Maverick Fusion

Paperback original

Paperback (06 Jun 2024)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Buck and Star are the Rock 'n' Roll Rabbits: a two-bunny band who play the craziest rock music! But their arch-enemy, Loulou the Ballad Bear, is in town. Her music is so boring it puts everyone to sleep. Buck and Star know they need to save the day-fast!

Book information

ISBN: 9781835110232
Publisher: Maverick Arts Publishing
Imprint: Maverick Arts Publishing
Pub date:
Edition: Paperback original
DEWEY: 428.6
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 31
Weight: 84g
Height: 150mm
Width: 211mm
Spine width: 4mm