The Nirvana Express How the Search for Enlightenment Went West

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Publisher's Synopsis

The captivating story of the West's love affair with Indian spirituality-from the orientalism of the British Empire to modern counterculture.

In 1897, an Indian yogi exhibited himself at London's Westminster Aquarium, demonstrating yoga positions to a bemused audience. Four years earlier, Hindu philosopher Swami Vivekananda spoke at the first World Parliament of Religions in Chicago, where Annie Besant extolled the 'exquisite beauty' of his spiritual message. The Victorians were fascinated by, yet suspicious of, Indian religious beliefs and practices. But within two generations, legions of young Westerners were following the 'hippie trail' to the subcontinent, the Beatles meditating at the feet of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Journalist Mick Brown's vivid account charts this eccentric history of Western obsessions with Indian faith, through a curious cast of scholars, seekers, charlatans and saints.

From bestselling epic poems on the Buddha to murder plots, magic and the occult, The Nirvana Express is an exhilarating, sometimes troubling journey through the West's search for enlightenment.

About the Publisher

Hurst & Company

Book information

ISBN: 9781805260196
Publisher: C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd
Imprint: Hurst & Company
Pub date:
DEWEY: 204
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 400
Weight: 814g
Height: 239mm
Width: 164mm
Spine width: 38mm