Essential Oil Magic 2022

Essential Oil Magic 2022

Hardback (13 Mar 2022)

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Publisher's Synopsis

WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF MAGIC OIL! Perhaps you have stumbled into this world serendipitously, happening upon an oil or two (or perhaps this book) and finding yourself curious about their magical potential. Or maybe you've heard of the magic of oil and are curious to explore it for yourself. Perhaps you are an expert in plant magic with fresh and dried herbs, and you've heard that essential oils possess the most powerful plant magic of all. Perhaps you even have some experience using essential oils for wellness and pleasure, but you are eager to expand your use of oils into the realm of magic. However you got here, I'm glad you came. Together, we will explore explore the use of essential oils in magic and spirituality - first historically, and then we will look at the potential and methods for their use today.

Essential oils are extremely versatile magical allies. Through diffusion, essential oils can transform the energy of an environment. Worn as a perfume, they can shift a person's energy. Incorporated personal care products and pendants, become powerful elements of simple but effective spells. of simple but effective spells. As anointing oils, they can awaken and the subtle energy of crystals and other magical objects.

While they can't necessarily help you bottle fame or prepare for glory, they can help bewitch the mind and entice the senses. It would go too far to say that they "put a cap on death," but they can support the body in its natural healing process, through magic and other means.

Book information

ISBN: 9781803343167
Publisher: Macao
Imprint: Macao
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 250
Weight: 871g
Height: 279mm
Width: 216mm
Spine width: 16mm