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The Little Book of Lunar Blessings

The Little Book of Lunar Blessings

Hardback (14 Mar 2024)

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Publisher's Synopsis

A beginner's guide to unlocking the power of the Moon.

Lunar blessings are a spiritual practice that focuses on the mystical power of the moon to harness its energy to help achieve balance in all areas of life. This can be done through rituals, meditations or affirmations during specific phases of the moon, such as a full moon, new moon, or waxing moon.

Learn about the different phases of the moon and how they correspond to different energies and spiritual practices, and discover how to align your intentions with the energy of the moon to help manifest your desires, whether it's attracting abundance, improving your relationships, or finding inner peace.

With simple instructions, easy-to-use charts as well as practical tips, this little book is the perfect introduction for anyone who wants to deepen their spiritual practice and connect with the natural cycles of the universe.

Book information

ISBN: 9781800695610
Publisher: Headline Publishing Group
Imprint: Orange Hippo!
Pub date:
DEWEY: 133.532
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 192
Weight: 242g
Height: 145mm
Width: 130mm
Spine width: 20mm