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Release Your Inner Lioness

Release Your Inner Lioness Empowering Quotes from Kick-Ass Women in Sport : Crush Your Goals, Celebrate Your Strength and Live Life to the Full

Hardback (24 Nov 2022)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Supercharge your game and claim your victory with this powerful collection of uplifting words from kickass women in sport

Inside every woman is a lioness just waiting to break free. This feisty feline is independent, brave, strong and agile. She is ready to acknowledge and shout about her power. She wants to crush her goals. She believes she deserves to live her life courageously and to the full. All she needs is for you to open your heart and set her free.

This small-but-mighty book is the perfect companion on your journey to attaining the unshakeable confidence of a lioness. Inside you'll find empowering quotes from sporting legends all the way from Billie Jean King right up to Leah Williamson. Let these bold words from badass women inspire you to find your pride of supportive sisters, reach for your dreams, and celebrate every success along the way.

Stay fierce and fearless - unleash your inner lioness and hear her roar!

Book information

ISBN: 9781800079182
Publisher: Summersdale Publishers Ltd
Imprint: Summersdale
Pub date:
DEWEY: 081
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 160
Weight: 206g
Height: 102mm
Width: 137mm
Spine width: 24mm