Publisher's Synopsis
This book about the economy of Oceania from the 1970s to the 2010s. Source data from UN Data.
Size. In the 2010s, the GDP of Oceania was equal to $1.7 trillion per year; the value of agriculture was $48.8 billion; the value of manufacturing was $111.8 billion.
Productivity. In the 2010s, the gross domestic product per capita was $42 253.4, the value of agriculture per capita was $1 242.3, the value of manufacturing per capita was $2 847.4. Since the productivity is greater the average above average, the economy is classified as high developed.
Growth. In the 2010s, the growth of GDP was 2.5%; the growth of agriculture was -0.30%; the growth of manufacturing was -0.27%.
Structure. In the 2010s, the economy of Oceania consisted of: services (51.4%), industry (18.1%), trade (11.6%), construction (8.1%), transportation (7.8%), and agriculture (3.2%).
Export and import. In the 2010s, the export was 0.30% higher than the import, the net export was equal to 0.069% of the GDP.
Consumption and reproduction. The attitude of reproduction to the consumption is better than the global average, so the share of GDP in the world will increase.