Publisher's Synopsis
In a two-part book about leadership, "Lead By Grace" offers tips on how Leaders can effectively motivate themselves, and those around them, while working to pursue their goals. Drawing inspiration from Jesus' ministry on earth, Lead By Grace is a how-to-guide based on the types of leadership strategies exemplified by Jesus throughout the four Gospels of the New Testament of the Bible.Have you ever heard the term, "What Would Jesus Do?" Lead By Grace is an advise-filled "What Would Jesus Do" manual for those in leadership. This book challenges our modern day perception of a mild-mannered Jesus, by instructing leaders on how to be more authoritative in their leadership style. Lead By Grace is intended to teach leaders to overcome personal challenges that come with leadership, without having to implement strategies that compromise their individual beliefs.This Manual is also intended for all leaders and those in Leadership! Every leader (from any aspect of society), is able to receive a message or a lesson from this Manual. The measure of a great leader has much less to do with how they define their role as a leader, and more about their impact and how they help the development of others. The love for humanity is our commonality.