Introduction to Business Consulting

Introduction to Business Consulting

Paperback (30 Jun 2023)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Introduction to Business Consulting provides readers with an informative overview of business consulting. The text describes how consultants develop interventions to help clients achieve goals, the characteristics of a successful consultant, consultants' career options, key concepts within the profession, and much more.The book is organized into 14 chapters, each covering a unique aspect of business consulting. The opening chapters discuss the various career paths for a consultant, how to effectively communicate with a client and determine their needs, and the consideration of stakeholders in intervention development and implementation. Next, readers learn how to define the problem, develop a letter of agreement, manage a consulting project, develop and test a hypothesis, and create a consulting report. Additional chapters explore starting a consultancy business and building trust with clients to ensure consistent repeat business. Finally, the closing chapter provides readers with consulting tools, techniques, and frameworks.Introduction to Business Consulting is an exceptional resource for courses and programs in business, as well as for in-the-field consultants.

Book information

ISBN: 9781793585400
Publisher: Cognella Academic Publishing
Imprint: Cognella Academic Publishing
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 196
Weight: 272g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 10mm