Dominance and Coercion

Dominance and Coercion

Paperback (06 Jan 2019)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Okay. Okay okay okay. Right. Describe this book . Describe this book. I can do this. Easy, right? I mean, I wrote it so, like, I should be able to tell you what it's about. Right? Right. Okay. Okay then. Uh... Here we go. It's about this guy who, okay, he's a young guy, and like his luck isn't operating at 100 percent of rated capacity, if you know what I mean. If you get my drift. It's not like he's a loser, but he, like, um, he knows that things in his life could be better. It's not like he's miserable, exactly. But... Anyway he's trying. He's trying hard. How does he try hard? Well, he's got a job and a girlfriend, so, there's that, but the real thing? The real thing he's doing to make things better, to make his life better? He goes to a self-help seminar called Dominance and Coercion. And this seminar tries to teach him how to be assertive and to, you know, like, not be such a push-over and the like. To get some balls around his many personal issues of not being the guy who isn't such a push-over like he is. He recognizes this. His weakness. Or, okay, not weakness per say, but a personality issue that could stand some shaping up. His... his spine. His spine needs some encouragement. Which is what he hopes to get out of his self-help workshops. And we watch him progress in the manner of his steady (okay not "steady" more like erratic) path of self help improvement about his many personality issues issue. But he progresses. Yeah. He does. He progresses. Maybe not exactly like he thought he was going to, but still. So we watch him do it. Whatever it is.

Book information

ISBN: 9781793300867
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC - KDP Print US
Imprint: Independently Published
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 220
Weight: 327g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 13mm