Publisher's Synopsis
This is a continuing program to extend and refine the ephemeris of the Geminga pulsar with annual observations for the remaining lifetime of EGRET. The data show that every revolution of Geminga is accounted for during the EGRET epoch, and that a coherent timing solution linking the phase between EGRET, COS-B, amd SAS-2, observations has now been achieved. The accuracy of the gamma-ray timing is such that the proper motion of the pulsar can now be detected, consistent with the optical determination. The measured braking index over the 24.2 yr baseline is 17 +/- 1. Further observation is required to ascertain whether this very large braking index truly represents the energy loss mechanism, perhaps related to the theory in which Geminga is near its gamma-ray death line, or whether it is a manifestation of timing noise. Statistically significant timing residuals are detected in the EGRET data; they depart from the cubic ephemeris at a level of 23 milliperiods. The residuals appear to have a sinusoidal modulation with a period of about 5.1 yr. This could simply be a manifestation of timing noise, or it could be consistent with a planet of mass 1.7/sin i solar mass orbiting Geminga at a radius of 3.3/sin i AU. Halpern, Jules P. Goddard Space Flight Center NASA-CR-204445, CAL-2639, NAS 1.26:204445 NAG5-2051; NAG5-3384; NAG5-3806...