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Timely Psychosocial Interventions in Dementia Care

Timely Psychosocial Interventions in Dementia Care Evidence-Based Practice

Paperback (19 Mar 2020)

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Publisher's Synopsis

This new edited volume seeks to meet the growing need for ways to support people with dementia across the whole course and trajectory of dementia care, with a wide scope of expertise.

The book addresses how practitioners and carers can apply psychosocial interventions - which take into consideration the individual, social and environmental aspects of a person's life - across this trajectory, right from the earliest stages through to practice in care home settings.

Divided into four sections, each covers a different context in which people with dementia can be supported: at home; in community settings; family and carer support; and those in care homes and hospitals. In addition, there is a distinct focus throughout on evidence-based practice and its implementation in real-world settings. This book is essential reading for any practitioner and caregiver wanting to support people with dementia.

About the Publisher

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Jessica Kingsley Publishers is a wholly independent company, committed to publishing books that make a difference. The company was founded in 1987 by Jessica Kingsley and has grown since then to the point where we now publish over 200 books a year, which are available throughout the world. In 2004 we opened our US office, in Philadelphia. We publish books for professional and general readers in a range of subjects. We are well known for our long established lists on the autism spectrum, on social work, and on the arts therapies. More recently we have published extensively in the fields of mental health, counselling, palliative care, and practical theology.

Book information

ISBN: 9781787753020
Publisher: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Imprint: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Pub date:
DEWEY: 616.83106
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 288
Weight: 420g
Height: 224mm
Width: 158mm
Spine width: 16mm