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The Best Dog Memes Ever

The Best Dog Memes Ever

Hardback (11 Apr 2019)

  • $11.12
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Publisher's Synopsis

For life's every up and down, there's a meme to capture the feeling - and with their lovable personalities, boundless energy and their distinct capacity for being that little bit odd, who better to ride through these moments with us than man's best friend?

From the satisfaction of walking in time to your music to the horror of accidentally clicking 'like' when you're seven months deep into your crush's Instagram feed, this collection contains the funniest, most relatable memes about life, told through the expressive genius of dogs.

Book information

ISBN: 9781786857835
Publisher: Summersdale Publishers Ltd
Imprint: Summersdale
Pub date:
DEWEY: 636.700207
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 96
Weight: 240g
Height: 148mm
Width: 147mm
Spine width: 11mm