The king

The king

eBook (29 Jan 2016)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Meet Vince Kingmyle, fantasist, philistine, entrepreneur, misogynist and golf bore. Vince runs a company promoting golf tourism in Edinburgh and has big plans, at least in his own mind, to which end he enlists the help of an old work colleague, Sean Monaghan, to build up his IT system. Sean is diffident and cultured, and suffers Vince for the money, but when new recruit Lucy appears on the scene and they uncover Vince's secrets, he finally decides enough is enough. Brimming with humour and mischief, The King will keep you turning pages with a smile right to the very end.

About the Publisher

Roundfire Books

Put simply, we publish great stories. Whether it's litrary or popular, a gentle tale or a pulsating thriller, the connecting theme in all Roundfire fiction titles is that once you pick them up you won't want to put them down.

Book information

ISBN: 9781785352089
Publisher: John Hunt Publishing
Imprint: Roundfire Books
Pub date:
DEWEY: 823.92
DEWEY edition: 23
Number of pages: 224
Weight: -1g