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New Bilingual Visual Dictionary. English-Russian

New Bilingual Visual Dictionary. English-Russian

New edition 2

Hardback (30 Jun 2017) | English,Russian

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Publisher's Synopsis

Milet's New Bilingual Visual Dictionary series provides an entertaining way for children to learn words in two languages. The dictionary features useful, everyday words that will help learners to build their vocabulary. The words are grouped by subjects, so children can focus on one set of related words at a time. The text is large and easy to read, and the vector illustrations are colourful, detailed and highly realistic.

Book information

ISBN: 9781785088919
Publisher: Milet Publishing
Imprint: Milet Publishing
Pub date:
Edition: New edition 2
DEWEY: 491.7321
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English,Russian
Number of pages: 139
Weight: 834g
Height: 227mm
Width: 277mm
Spine width: 16mm