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Embedded Linux Development with Yocto Project: Develop fascinating Linux-based projects using the groundbreaking Yocto Project tools

Embedded Linux Development with Yocto Project: Develop fascinating Linux-based projects using the groundbreaking Yocto Project tools

1st edition

Paperback (09 Jul 2014)

  • $30.08
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Publisher's Synopsis

A practical tutorial guide which introduces you to the basics of Yocto Project, and also helps you with its real hardware use to boost your Embedded Linux-based project. If you are an embedded systems enthusiast and willing to learn about compelling features offered by the Yocto Project, then this book is for you. With prior experience in the embedded Linux domain, you can make the most of this book to efficiently create custom Linux-based systems.

Book information

ISBN: 9781783282333
Publisher: Packt Publishing
Imprint: Packt Publishing
Pub date:
Edition: 1st edition
Language: English
Number of pages: 142
Weight: 266g
Height: 237mm
Width: 191mm
Spine width: 13mm