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The Collected Supernatural and Weird Fiction of Edith Nesbit: Volume 1-One Novel 'Dormant' (a.k.a. 'Rose Royal'), and Eleven Short Tales of the Strange and Unusual including 'The Detective', 'No. 17', 'The Blue Rose' and 'The Haunted House'

The Collected Supernatural and Weird Fiction of Edith Nesbit: Volume 1-One Novel 'Dormant' (a.k.a. 'Rose Royal'), and Eleven Short Tales of the Strange and Unusual including 'The Detective', 'No. 17', 'The Blue Rose' and 'The Haunted House'

Paperback (28 Aug 2019)

  • $20.60
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Hardback (28 Aug 2019) $29.06

Publisher's Synopsis

Book information

ISBN: 9781782828396
Publisher: Oakpast
Imprint: Leonaur Ltd
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 352
Weight: 445g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 20mm