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Breaking the Mishap Chain: Human Factors Lessons Learned From Aerospace Accidents and Incidents in Research, Flight Test, and Development

Breaking the Mishap Chain: Human Factors Lessons Learned From Aerospace Accidents and Incidents in Research, Flight Test, and Development

Hardback (23 May 2012)

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Paperback (23 May 2012) $23.60

Publisher's Synopsis

NASA Aeronautics Book Series. By Peter W. Merlin, et al. Contains a collection of case studies of mishaps involving experimental aircraft, aerospace vehicles, and spacecraft in which human factors played a significant role. Offered as a learning tool so that future organizations, programs, and projects may not be destined to repeat the mistakes of the past. Written in such a way as to be useful to a wide audience. Each case study includes a detailed analysis of aeromedical and organizational factors for the benefit of students, teachers, and others with an academic interest in human factors issues in the aerospace environment. Each story includes historical background.

Book information

ISBN: 9781782662464
Publisher: www.Militarybookshop.Co.UK
Imprint: Military Bookshop
Pub date:
DEWEY: 363.124
Language: English
Number of pages: 244
Weight: 518g
Height: 276mm
Width: 241mm
Spine width: 20mm