Topz Sep/Oct 2014

Topz Sep/Oct 2014

Paperback (03 Jun 2014)

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Publisher's Synopsis

John's Writez: We look at two of the letters of Jesus' disciple John -- 2 and 3 John. Skate Away Topz : Topz visit the ice rink and learn some important lessons about growing as a child of God. Joseph in a Jam: All about the young man in the Bible whose gift for interpreting dreams got him into a lot of trouble. The Beth Place to be In the Bible, a place called 'Beth'-something means 'House of' something. This section looks at some of these places, including Bethlehem and Bethesda, and the things which took place there. Topz Bitz: Readers' Own Club Pages Seven-day Party In Bible days there was a terrific excitement and happiness at a good harvest, but God was never left out of things. This section looks at how the Israelites celebrated harvest. All Good Gifts: We learn how we can thank God for His goodness to us. Ball on the Beach: God wants us to do good things and be ready for His return. He can help us live His way if we ask Him. Woodland Walk Topz go exploring in the woods, and we learn about exploring God's Word, the Bible. Danger - Keep Out! God cares about us and doesn't want us to be hurt. Here we look at God's warnings in the Bible about things which can be harmful to us.

Book information

ISBN: 9781782592211
Publisher: CWR
Imprint: CWR
Pub date:
Number of pages: 72
Weight: 77g
Height: 210mm
Width: 148mm
Spine width: 6mm