1815 Regency Britain in the Year of Waterloo

Hardback (29 Jan 2015)

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Publisher's Synopsis

1815 was the year of Waterloo, the British victory that ended Napoleon's European ambitions and ushered in a century of peace for Britain. But what sort of country were Wellington's troops fighting for? And what kind of society did they return to? Overseas, the bounds of Empire were expanding; at home the population endured the chill of economic recession. As Jane Austen busied herself with the writing of Emma, John Nash designed Regent Street and Lord's cricket ground held its first match in St John's Wood, a nervous government infiltrated dissident political movements and resorted to repressive legislation to curb free speech. Interweaving first-hand accounts of personal experiences with the major trends and events of a momentous twelve months, 1815 offers a richly engrossing picture of a year that resonates to a surprising degree with the Britain of today.

About the Publisher

Head of Zeus

We are Head of Zeus, an independent publishing house dedicated to new authors, great storytelling and fabulous ideas. Head of Zeus opened for business on 3 January 2012 and we published our first books in July 2012. Our list is a mix of general and literary fiction, genre fiction and non fiction.

Book information

ISBN: 9781781858219
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing (UK)
Imprint: Head of Zeus
Pub date:
DEWEY: 941.073
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 352
Weight: 574g
Height: 240mm
Width: 156mm
Spine width: 29mm