This Is Kandinsky

This Is Kandinsky - This Is...

Hardback (21 Sep 2015)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Intellectual, emotional, restless, dogged, loyal, selfish; Kandinsky was an artist - and a man - of contradictions.

This genre-defying painter didn't pick up a brush until he was thirty years old. He was an academic with a promising career that he threw away to explore the arts. He was a Russian, yet he spent more than half of his life on the road, and died in self-imposed exile in France. As an artist he is credited with history's first abstract painting, but it was his theories that had a profound and lasting impact on the way that people understand and value what art can achieve.

Richly illustrated with specially commissioned artworks and 20 of Kandinsky's major works, This is Kandinsky forms the perfect introduction to the life of this revolutionary figure in twentieth-century art.

About the Publisher

Laurence King Publishing

Established in London in 1991, Laurence King Publishing is now recognised as one of the world's leading publishers of books on the creative arts. Our books are acclaimed for their inventiveness, beautiful design and authoritative texts, as well as the care taken over their production. With approximately 40 staff members, we are based in Islington in London.

Book information

ISBN: 9781780675657
Publisher: Orion
Imprint: Laurence King Publishing
Pub date:
DEWEY: 759.7
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 70
Weight: 372g
Height: 176mm
Width: 229mm
Spine width: 13mm