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What If Humans Were Like Animals?

What If Humans Were Like Animals?

Fully revised and updated edition

Paperback (17 Sep 2020)

  • $7.86
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Publisher's Synopsis

Packed with fun, incredible and often downright disgusting facts about the animal world, this is a book that will both entertain and educate.

With questions like: 'What if people behaved like animals?', 'What if you had pop-up claws?', 'What if you could taste with your feet?' and 'What if your mum puked in your mouth?'.

Curious kids will be able to entertain their friends and families for hours with the eye-opening animal facts on every page and Paul Moran's quirky illustrations will spark the imagination and inspire kids to think outside the realms of possibility.

Book information

ISBN: 9781780557212
Publisher: Michael O'Mara
Imprint: Buster Books
Pub date:
Edition: Fully revised and updated edition
DEWEY: 591
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 127
Weight: 122g
Height: 198mm
Width: 128mm
Spine width: 14mm