Bon Iver

Bon Iver

Paperback (01 Oct 2013)

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Publisher's Synopsis

In the winter of 2006 Justin Vernon - aka Bon Iver - picked up a guitar, a laptop and some basic recording equipment and retreated to a remote cabin in the woods of Wisconsin to lick his wounds. The story of how he recorded alt-folk classic For Emma, Forever Ago there has become the stuff of musical myth. He made it from the woods to international fame in just a few years but behind the 'overnight' success of Justin Vernon lies an inspirational personal story. Bon Iver: Good Winter traces his life from his earliest days as pioneer of the collaborative musical scene in his hometown of Eau Claire, Wisconsin, through his years as frontman of the experimental rock band DeYarmond Edison and his 'lost' solo albums, to his Grammy-winning Bon Iver, Bon Iver album. Bon Iver: Good Winter is the first in-depth account of the struggles, heartaches and hardships that led Vernon to become Bon Iver and includes contributions from all of his major collaborators and associates in the Eau Claire community as well accounts of various side projects and his eventual vindications, triumphs and artistic achievements.

About the Publisher

Omnibus Press

Over the succeeding decades Omnibus has published many best-selling definitive biographies on most of pop and most of rock's greatest superstars. Previous titles include Morrissey & Marr: The Severed Alliance by Johnny Rogan, The Dark Story of Eminem by Nick Hasted, Dear Boy: The Life Of Keith Moon by Tony Fletcher, Catch A Fire: The Life of Bob Marley by Timothy White, Little Girl Blue: The Life Of Karen Carpenter by Randy L. Schmidt, Under The Ivy: The Life & Music Of Kate Bush by Graeme Thomson, Muse: Out of this World (updated edition) by Mark Beaumont - all of which are regularly cited by magazines, fans and critics alike as being amongst the finest music artist related biographies ever published.

Book information

ISBN: 9781780387376
Publisher: Omnibus
Imprint: Omnibus Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 782.421620092
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 256
Weight: 424g
Height: 233mm
Width: 157mm
Spine width: 19mm