The Inn at the Edge of the World

The Inn at the Edge of the World


Paperback (16 Aug 2012)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Five strangers gather at Eric's inn on a remote Hebridean island after he advertises in the London weeklies for "Christmas at the edge of the world." Harry, a military widower, is fascinated by General Gordon and the last days of Khartoum. Jessica is a voice-over artist and actress. Jon is a vain actor who is dangerously obsessed with Jessica. Anita, a salesperson in the stationary department of a store and, Ronald, a psychoanalyst who is pining for the cooking and domestic skills of his recently departed wife.

Each has their own reasons for escaping the usual festivities, but the refuge of the island is complicated as Eric's wife Mabel flounces out at the last minute and the locals and visitors mingle and clash.

A beautifully timed comic novel with a hint of the supernatural.

About the Publisher


Corsair has also joined Little, Brown from Constable & Robinson and publishes a wide range of literary titles, from the frank, funny musings of 'bad feminist' Roxane Gay to Jennifer Egan's A Visit From the Goon Squad and Martin Hughes-Game's memoir on life in the wild. Corsair is a diverse list, united under a single strategy: to publish the very best in ambitious and ground-breaking fiction.

Book information

ISBN: 9781780336619
Publisher: Little, Brown
Imprint: Corsair
Pub date:
Edition: Reprint
DEWEY: 823.914
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 263
Weight: 298g
Height: 134mm
Width: 197mm
Spine width: 18mm