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Emerald City and Other Stories

Emerald City and Other Stories


Paperback (19 Jan 2012)

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Publisher's Synopsis

These eleven masterful stories - the first collection from acclaimed author Jennifer Egan - deal with loneliness and longing, regret and desire. Egan's characters, models and housewives, bankers and schoolgirls, are united by their search for something outside their own realm of experience.

They set out from locations as exotic as China and Bora Bora, as cosmopolitan as downtown Manhattan, or as familiar as suburban Illinois to seek their own transformations. Elegant and poignant, the stories in Emerald City are seamless evocations of self-discovery.

About the Publisher


Corsair has also joined Little, Brown from Constable & Robinson and publishes a wide range of literary titles, from the frank, funny musings of 'bad feminist' Roxane Gay to Jennifer Egan's A Visit From the Goon Squad and Martin Hughes-Game's memoir on life in the wild. Corsair is a diverse list, united under a single strategy: to publish the very best in ambitious and ground-breaking fiction.

Book information

ISBN: 9781780331218
Publisher: Little, Brown
Imprint: Corsair
Pub date:
Edition: Reprint
DEWEY: 813.6
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 170
Weight: 172g
Height: 199mm
Width: 133mm
Spine width: 13mm