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Festive Fiasco: Songbird Stories: A Collection of Tales & Feathers

Festive Fiasco: Songbird Stories: A Collection of Tales & Feathers - Songbird Stories

Paperback (08 Nov 2021)

  • $12.89
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Publisher's Synopsis

Summary: An innocent misunderstanding brings alive community spirit to solve a holiday mystery in the park.

Our backyard critters are excited to celebrate the season
but something is wrong with the lights on the tree and no one knows the reason.
Will Officer Hawk and his friends get to the bottom of this case?
This heartwarming tale is sure to leave a smile on your face.

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Part of the rhythm and rhyme children's picture book mini-series, Songbird Stories "A Collection of Tales & Feathers". These tales are meant to inspire talks about behaviours and community interactions, based on true events in Eastern Ontario parks and backyards.

Dayna Pennock is a self-taught author and illustrator. Inspiration drawn from the imaginations of her husband and four children. To learn more about the origins of this tale and others, please visit our website

Book information

ISBN: 9781777595524
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC - Kdp
Imprint: Songbird Stories
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 32
Weight: 100g
Height: 216mm
Width: 216mm
Spine width: 2mm