Bright Lights and Summer Nights

Bright Lights and Summer Nights

Hardback (27 May 2025)

  • $21.48

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Publisher's Synopsis

Take a luminous bedtime journey through the summery dreamworld of a restless baby in this enchanting picture book lullaby. In the tradition of bedtime classics like Goodnight Moon, this gorgeous book with a cloth-like spine is the perfect gift for new parents.

Fireflies and mystic moon

Mystic moon and brilliant night

filled with friends and firelight

On a hot summer night, Mother Moon soothes a little star baby who won't go to sleep. With her magic, she spins a warm, lyrical tale of friendship and fun: a dreamy summer evening set beneath a blanket of twinkling stars as children and forest friends with balloons enjoy a country fair with a carousel and caramel apples before taking a fantastical trolley ride to a marvelous, light-filled destination. 

A captivating book, sure to be picked up night after night, that will send all little star babies off to dreamland.

Book information

ISBN: 9781774883662
Publisher: Tundra Book Group
Imprint: Tundra
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 40
Weight: 567g
Height: 216mm
Width: 279mm