Publisher's Synopsis
Everyday we are faced with the question "Do I spend and enjoy what I have earned today as part of my current lifestyle or do I save and invest the money so I can enjoy and spend it in the future?" The constant battle between immediate gratification and long-term financial security and future enjoyment. There are two ways to fill a bucket with holes in it. Plug the holes or increase the flow of water (money). Since you may not be able to create more flow (income) it's imperative that you plug as many holes as possible. Lost dollars cost you not only those dollars but what those dollars could have earned had you kept them. Life is to be enjoyed, I help clients by plugging the holes that are causing them to transfer their wealth unknowingly and unnecessarily, while still ensuring they can enjoy the here and now. It's about greater efficiency and effectiveness not about giving up everything you enjoy. It's about giving the tax department less (legally) and you and your family more.