Cottage Radio & Other Plays

Cottage Radio & Other Plays Cottage Radio, White Wedding & Post Alice

Paperback (22 Aug 2024)

  • $25.00

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Publisher's Synopsis

Cottage Radio & Other Plays animates a wild cast of Southwestern Ontario characters - particularly its strong, hilarious rural women - with complex histories and relationships to the land. The titlular Cottage Radio zeroes in on the sarcastic, charismatic Marley clan as they band together in the aftermath of a storm. White Wedding is a large-cast comedy set at a wedding reception in an old high school, where friends and lovers sneak off to reconnect and swim in nostalgia. Post Alice weaves a true Huron County mystery into an evening of stories, song, and secrets as four women (reminiscent of four Alice Munro protagonists) gather around a fire and begin to wonder what really happened to Mistie Murray, a teenager who disappeared in the mid-nineties.

Book information

ISBN: 9781772016185
Publisher: Talonbooks
Imprint: Talonbooks
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 262
Weight: 625g
Height: 215mm
Width: 139mm
Spine width: 15mm