Great Canadian Ghost Stories

Great Canadian Ghost Stories Legendary Tales of Hauntings from Coast to Coast

Paperback (29 Nov 2018)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Time and place are infused with ghosts and hauntings. From coast to coast to coast, Canada's provinces and territories teem with the supernatural—phantoms obscured in the mists of time, spectres that delight in wreaking terror, and spirits destined to linger forever at the edge of the veil. Visit the far-flung corners of Canada to discover the folklore and legends behind: the ghost of a Newfoundland outlaw that leads blizzard-blind men to safety A poltergeist infestation that gleefully tortured an entire Nova Scotia family A fleet of phantom ships that haunt the coastline of New Brunswick the haggard spectre of a murderous witch in historic Quebec City Saskatchewan's ghost-ridden military cadet academy an Alberta cabbie's encounter with a silent shadow of a man in black the headless railway brakeman of Vancouver a moaning, man-shaped mist that haunts a Yukon cabin From east to west to way up north, bestselling author and renowned storyteller Barbara Smith traverses Canada's provinces and territories to unearth more than 100 supernatural tales that careen between heartwarming, horrifying, sorrowful, and spine-chilling.

Book information

ISBN: 9781771512794
Publisher: Heritage Group Distribution
Imprint: TouchWood Editions
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 240
Weight: 295g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 20mm