Lucy Crisp and the Vanishing House

Lucy Crisp and the Vanishing House

Hardback original

Hardback (14 Apr 2020)

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Publisher's Synopsis

It has been a year since Lucy Crisp graduated from high school and she still hasn't found her calling. That is, until she discovers an exclusive arts college called Ladywyck Lodge. On a whim, she applies and is thrilled to be accepted into their program. Lucy moves to Esther Wren, the charming little town where it's based, and stays in the house her father buys as an investment: a magnificent building built by a sea captain in 1876. The house has history and personality - perhaps too much personality...

Book information

ISBN: 9781770499249
Publisher: Penguin Random House Group
Imprint: Tundra
Pub date:
Edition: Hardback original
DEWEY: 813.6
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 224
Weight: 614g
Height: 160mm
Width: 205mm
Spine width: 19mm