Publisher's Synopsis
The refreshed "Target your Maths plus Mastery" series covers the entire National Curriculum for KS2. New Mastery content has been added to the existing books meaning that our loyal customers, who are already using Target your Maths, can continue to do so knowing that when they need to renew or restock, the revised books will work seamlessly with the old. Where necessary we have updated the current terminology that is now used in all schools. Each single or double page lesson in this book is divided into four sections: Introduction: the learning intention expressed as a target with clearly worked examples. Section A: activities based upon work previously covered. Can be used as a reminder of work previously covered, as well as providing material for the less confident child. Section B: activities based upon the requirements for the current year. Most children should be able to work successfully at this level. Section C: activities providing extension material for the faster workers and for those who need more challenging tasks. Mastery questions to strengthen and secure a comprehensive knowledge of each learning objective.