Firefly Lullaby

Firefly Lullaby

Hardback (19 Mar 2024)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Picture yourself outside on a starry summer night with fireflies twinkling all around you. Can you hear birds, frogs, and crickets singing their sweet lullabies? Sounds of nature soothe us to sleep in this visually enchanting bedtime book from a land of dreams and imagination. "Firefly Lullaby" is the debut children's book by artist Karen Weiss. The book is a visual feast with colorful paintings of imaginative dwellings, sparkling fireflies, dreamy landscapes, dancing frogs, velvety luna moths, swirling musical notes, and more. Two children have been playing outside, and it is time to come in for dinner. While the children get ready for sleep, the outside symphony of nocturnal creatures begins to build, creating a natural lullaby. The story, written in verse, suggests the presence of the children; however, they remain unseen. They are instead represented by visuals such as a table set for two, two sets of pajamas, and two beds.

Book information

ISBN: 9781737586906
Publisher: Tricycle Books
Imprint: Tricycle Books
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 32
Weight: -1g