Publisher's Synopsis
Revenge at Bleak House proves three things. Old dogs can learn new tricks, age is just a number and it's going to be well nigh difficult to put down the book once you start reading it. Some of the stories will keep you thinking long after you have read them.
According to Hindu mythology, in the pantheon of gods and goddesses the main ones are a trinity of, a Creator, a Preserver and a Destroyer. The others control various aspects of existence such as knowledge, wealth, fertility, rain, talent and so on. In my opinion, the creators would be our parents and anyone else who during our lifetime shows us the path to a new venture. The preservers would be those who support, teach and guide. I feel that people whom we come into contact with during the journey through life assume these roles knowingly or unwittingly. The destroyers are those who wish you ill will and their actions deliberately or otherwise are aimed at causing you harm.